[ This Program is Freeware ] You are free to distribute copies but you may not sell them. The Freeware Project Walden Software, Inc. (C) P. Lutus 1984 If you want to control FreeWriter, press the control key and a letter key. Here is a list of control-letter keys and what they do: [T] = Show this Tutor [S] = Save from memory to diskette [L] = Load from diskette to memory [F] = Find words [W] = Choose page width [B] = Jump to the File Beginning [E] = Jump to the File End [N] = Erase memory [Q] = Quit FreeWriter [V] = Accept commands as letters ESC = Change the page top line. FreeWriter Typing: ================== The white square is called the Cursor. When you type, the cursor moves to the right. If you make a mistake, press the Delete key. As you type, some of the words will move above the top of the display. You can bring these words into view by moving the cursor. To move the cursor, use the arrow keys. After you move the cursor, you may begin typing, even in the middle of a word. NOTE: The words on the screen are lost if the computer is turned off, but diskettes can be used to save your typing. The saved typing is called a 'file'. Deleting: ========= To delete a mistake, press the delete key. To delete and save characters for later use, press the open-apple key and the left-arrow key. To recover those characters, press the open-apple key and the right-arrow key. The [S]ave Command: =================== NOTE: Always save your typing before turning the computer off. To save some typing to disk, press Control and 'S'. Then type a file name. If that name has already been used, you will be asked whether you want to delete the old file. Enter 'Y' if you do. Here is how to save part of a file: Place the cursor at the beginning of the part to be saved, then enter an ending mark along with the file name: [S]ave :MYFILE!endmark! NOTE: The '!' in the entry are called 'delimiters.' They separate the file name from the ending mark. Delimiters are used in [S]ave and other commands where entry separation is needed. The [L]oad Command: =================== To load a file into memory from disk, press Control and 'L'. Then type in a name. If you can't remember the name, type '?' and press RETURN (this works for [S]ave also.) You now may enter a volume name or drive specifier. (Examples: '/MYDISK','.D1.S6') or just press RETURN for a catalog. Here is how to load part of a file: Example: [L]oad :MYFILE!The!.! This entry will load part of the file beginning with 'The' and ending with '.'. If you place an 'a' at the end (example: [L]oad :MYFILE!The!.!A) you will get all segments of the file that have the markers. The [F]ind Command: =================== To Find some words in your typing, press Control and 'F'. This example: [F]ind :!word! will search to the right and down the page for 'word'. Because the search moves to the right and down, jump to the beginning using [B] when you want a complete search. This example: [F]ind :!thier!their! will search for 'thier'. If it is found, you will be asked if you want to replace 'thier' with 'their'. If you put an 'A' at the end of your entry: [F]ind :!thier!their!A the replacement will be automatic. The [W]idth Command: ==================== To select display width, press Control and 'W', then enter a number. Widths from 1 to 240 are permitted, and horizontal scrolling keeps the cursor in view. The [Q]uit Command: =================== Always save your typing before using [Q]uit. ESC: ==== Press ESC while editing to show a position scale at the page top. Press ESCAPE again to remove the display top line.